Projecto activo desde 1 de Janeiro de 2011

O movimento aprova, apoia encoraja o evento da batalha da mesh não só devido aos esforços empreendidos pela comunidade para avançar no campo da rede em malha sem fio e fomentar o desenvolvimento de redes comunitárias de base como também por utilizar o mesmo software e protocolos de roteamento (batman-adv) previamente mencionados.
Tal como outras comunidades de relevância wireless espalhadas pelo mundo apoiam e suportam a batalha da mesh. O projecto apoia o evento anualmente, ajudando a promover e divulgar o mesmo.
A "batalha da rede mesh" é um evento que pretende reunir pessoas de todo o mundo para testar o desempenho de diferentes protocolos de roteamento para redes wireless como por exemplo; adhoc, babel, batmand, batman-adv, bmx, olsr, e 802.11s e também os novos protocolos que utilizem OpenWRT são sempre bem-vindos!
Battlemesh v11 - 2018

Este ano o evento battlemesh v11 (#WBMv11) e o Wireless Community Weekend 2018 (#FFWCW18) juntam forças em Berlin desde o dia 7 ao dia 13 de Maio .
Simultaneamente o evento será partilhado com o aniversário de 15 anos do Wireless Community Weekend em que convida todos os entusiastas da tecnologia wireless mesh e ideais comunitários em redor do tema.
Todos os participantes poderão contar com a expectativa de se encontrarem com peritos em tecnologia wireless, redes mesh, debates, apresentações, workshops, noites longas de hacking e ainda um churrasco à beira do rio.
Para quem é um entusiasta das redes mesh, activista da sua comunidade, protocolos de roteamento ou simplesmente interessado em assuntos wireless, este é um evento a não perder!
- Informação sobre o evento Wireless Meshup e battlemesh
- Wireless Community Weekend 2018
- Lista de subscrição
Battlemesh v10 - 2017
Due to the mentoring and organization involvement of filipe borges teixeira from inesc on 2017 v10 battlemesh and due the lack of integrity he another member of his team had towards during Battlemesh v9 in 2016, no endorsement is or will be done for the 2017 event. does not endorse work done by individuals who take advantage and or put personal career interests before opensource community work and progress.
For these reasons there will be no support and or endorsement in the future to anyone and or anything related to the 2016 Portuguese local team. (explanation here)
Battlemesh v9 - 2016

A realizar em Portugal no Porto desde 1 a 7 de Maio de 2016.
On the past years, the some wireless networks group has participated in a number of projects featuring different areas of wireless networks, ranging from large scale indoor wireless deployments (multimedia content and smart meters) to underwater, underground, maritime and airborn communications. These solutions are being developed in large concert halls, energy meters, underwater autonomous vehicles, fishing vessels and unmanned aerial vehicles/drones. One of the most interesting projects done in this area was the Mare-Fi, where we give free Internet access to fishing vessels up to 13 km from shore.


Audiovisual media
Some people have been removed from videos or pictures in order to respect their requests.
- Battlemesh v9 Presentations (youtube wirelesspt)
- Battlemesh v9 Scolarship (youtube wirelesspt)
- Battlemesh V9 Social (youtube wirelesspt)
Social events
- Sunday (May 1st)
A: Ice breaking and Welcome party This will be held on Sunday May 1st from 6 p.m. at the rooftop of Rivoli Cinema Hostel. All WBMv9 participants and guests traveling with them are invited. We will have free light/snack food, drinks, beer and some music. You do not need to register to this event.
B: Serenata There will be a traditional ceremony Sunday night called "Serenata", at midnight. You can listen "Fado", which is a typical Portuguese music (live, free entrance). You can have a sneak peek on [7].
C: Night Live in Porto Enjoy night life in Porto from 10 p.m. (more info below)
- Monday (May 2nd)
A: Night Live in Porto Enjoy night life in Porto from 10 p.m. (more info below)
B: Promenade music concert There will be a classic music concert for youth/student people, where the audience interacts with the musicians [7]. The concert is called Promenade and is part of the end of the year students week. Usually it is on "Coliseu do Porto" or "Alfândega".
- Tuesday (May 3rd)
A: City Sightseeing We are planning to take you to a 2-hour city sightseeing tour around Douro River. The tour plan is the following: 09:30 a.m Meet at Rivoli Cinema Hostel 10:00 a.m Arrive to "Ribeira", near Luis I bridge (the one made from Eiffel [1]) 10:15 a.m 50 min. cruise in typical "Rebelo" ship around all 6 bridges 11:00 a.m Porto Wine Cellars tour, including a red and white wine tasting 12:00 a.m Way back to the city centre on the typical streets 01:00 p.m Lunch You can have a sneak peek of what you can see on [2] [3] (Douro Cruise) and here (Porto Wine Cellars) on [4]. Since we need to book the boat and cellar tour, ** we ask you too register to the "City Sightseeing" event until Tuesday April 19 [5]. Depending on the number of participants we may ask you a small monetary contribution.
B: Cortege About 500 thousand people will be at "Aliados", just next to the hostels, for the students cortege. It starts at 3 p.m. and ends at around midnight. Downtown will be crowded of people singing and just having fun.
C: Night Live in Porto Enjoy night life in Porto from 10 p.m. (more info below)
- Wednesday (May 4th)
A: Night Live in Porto Beer at €0.5 in some places! Enjoy night life in Porto from 10 p.m. (more info below)
- Thursday (May 5th)
A: Social Dinner Be ready to taste Portuguese typical food at the social dinner. The dinner will take place in a restaurant downtown from 8 p.m. We are counting on you all for this dinner, however we kindly ask you to register for the dinner [6] so that we can have an approximate number to give to the restaurant. There will be options for vegetarian meal as well. The dinner is free of charge for the WBMv9 participants.
B: Night Live in Porto Enjoy night life in Porto from 10 p.m. (more info below)
- Friday (May 6th)
A: Dinner downtown We may have a non-sponsored social dinner on Friday evening, but will be organized later on.
B: Queima das Fitas 50 thousand people + music + 60 bars until 6 a.m., a good day to go there. (more info below)
- Saturday (May 7th)
A: Do-what-you-want day E-mail us for some suggestions!
- Night Life
Since the WBMv9 week matches exactly the Students end of the year party, there will be a very active night life during the full week [7]. We have several options available, and we are planning to explore them all after 22h each day:
A: Queima das Fitas Which includes music concerts from 11 p.m. until 2 a.m. and around 60 small students’ bars open until 6 a.m. in the city park (around 50 000 people attending each day). Ticket prices are around €8 - €12. There will be a free direct bus from / to Aliados to the City Park all night long (5 min. walking distance from Rivoli C. Hostel, 15 min. from Porto Spot hostel). Tickets can be bought during the WBM week. Friday night would be a good date, for instance.
B: Bars and discos downtown There is a very active night life with a huge variety of bars opened from 11 pm and 4/6 am in a 10-15 walking distance from both hostels. Most of them do not charge entrance fee.
- Other social events
A: Exit Games
You will be given 60 minutes to solve multiple enigmas that allow you to escape a room. A pure rush of adrenaline and a great team building activity for groups of 8-10 people each time. More info on [8].
- Colombia: Leonardo Taborda (Network Bogotá) Application video
- Colombia: Oscar Prieto (Network Bogotá) Application video
- India: Sibi Kanagaraj (Free Software Movement in Indian State of Tamil Nadu (FSFTN) & Free Software Movement of India (FSMI)) Application video
- Argentina: Gui Iribarren (AlterMundi) Application video
Problems found
Due to legal reasons and problemas caused to work by filipe borges teixeira during the event some names, references, pictures, video and information involved in the event will not be published by
However, is very thankful of Prof. Manuel Ricardo of INESC for the favorable corrective action taken, that protected interests and presented work at the event of 2016. This action was taken 5 months later as last resort and after the event due to the fact that filipe borges teixeira not only was not authorized to broadcast presentation as well as he refused to remove it from his youtube channel for months even tho he had been requested to do so.
For these reasons there will be no support and or endorsement in the future to anyone and or anything related to the Portuguese local organizing team that collaborated with this individual. Legal action will be taken against filipe borges teixeira should he ever decide to retaliate and or cause problems to anyone involved with
- Escolha de datas de voto
- Mapa do local 1 e local 2
- Informação oficial e final
Battlemesh v8 - 2015
Dates 3rd - 9th August 2015
The testing / hacking / talks will take place in Dom Obrambe Pekre It features one large dining hall with an attached smaller hall for talks, a large lecture theater, several smaller classrooms and an outdoor auditorium. Expect to find nice community WiFi internet connection (, video projectors, beverage and snack supplies and some curious hackers.
Dom Obrambe Pekre consists of two larger halls, several classrooms and offices. It is an ex-military school now ran by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief and used as a Civil protection base, firefighter education base and is the headquarters of Slovenian Ham-Radio Association. Placed on the outskirts of town Maribor under the Pohorje mountain it is surrounded by a large open area and vineyards, offering a very nice environment for setting-up indoor and outdoor WiFi test setups. During the summer time the outdoor auditorium is a very nice setting for some hacking int he sun, a football match in the afternoon and a barbeque in the evening. The location has a nearby city bus stop in about 15 min walk away from the ski-resort with plenty accommodation options.
A realizar em Maribor, Slovenia

Battlemesh v7 - 2014
A realizar em Maio de 2014 em Leipzig na Alemanha no sublab desde da segunda-feira 12 até domingo 18 de Maio de 2014 em conjunto com os seus apoiantes
The BattleMeshV7 will be held at Leipzig, Germany. The testing / hacking / talks will take place in the sublab. It features one large room with a separate stage corner for talks as well as a smaller room for discussions, a smoking room and several other smaller rooms. Expect to find nice WiFi internet connection (Freifunk and Sublab Wifi), hacking gear, video projector, a beer garden outside, and some curious hackers.

Battlemesh v6 - 2013
Este ano, o evento será realizado de segunda-feira 15 até domingo 21 de Abril na Universidade de Aalborg, na Dinamarca.
- Detalhes sobre a BattleMeshV6 v6
- Endossantes da Battlemesh
- Video do ambiente de teste mesh da Universidade
- ficheiros e configurações utilizados
- Resultados

Fundado em 2009, o projecto mvnet iniciou a a 1/1/2011 com o objectivo de criar um diálogo aberto, de baixo custo, rápido rede sem fio para a localidade de Moitas Venda e da região envolvente. Trata-se de uma rede local sem fios, que se integra com a internet, mas também pode ser usada para a comunicação, livre local. Também os utilizadores ambulantes e visitantes ou turistas podem usar a rede, sem ser necessário registo.
A é um projecto sem fins lucrativos, operado inteiramente por voluntários, criando e mantendo da infra-estrutura sem fio. Todo o software, conhecimento tecnológico e organizacional está disponível gratuitamente para os outros sob uma licença "opensource". Sentimos que criar um projecto sem fins lucrativo isto é essencial para o sucesso do projecto e para minimização dos custos do mesmo.
Não criamos ponto de acesso wireless isolados; criamos ponto de acesso wireless para a comunidade circundante, que são os pontos de acesso wireless para os utilizadores da área em torno dos mesmos. Estes pontos de acesso wireless estão interligados formando uma espinha dorsal/backbone sem fios criando uma estrutura de rede que permite a monitorizarão e manutenção de rede de forma fácil. Além disso, nem todos os pontos de acesso wireless necessitam de estar ligados à internet funcionando como gateways pois um número limitado de gateways é suficiente.
Exemplo de endossamento
O/A [nome do projecto, comunidade, organização] aprova, apoia a Battle of the Mesh
O/A [nome do projecto, comunidade, organização] aprova, apoia encoraja o evento da batalha da mesh (wireless battlemesh) não só devido aos esforços empreendidos pela comunidade para avançar no campo da rede em malha sem fio e fomentar o desenvolvimento de redes comunitárias com base software de código livre e aberto. Tal como outras comunidades, projectos e ou organizações espalhadas pelo mundo apoiam e suportam a batalha da mesh. O/A [nome do projecto, comunidade, organização] apoia o evento ajudando a promover e divulgar o mesmo.
O/A [nome do projecto, comunidade, organização] apoia o evento através de: * ajudando a promover e divulgar o evento * convidando e trazendo membros do seu projecto/comunidade ao evento * apresentações sobre o progresso da comunidade wireless certos aspectos * apresentando o seu projecto inserindo-o no contexto do evento * fornecendo hardware para testes de software de roteamento * alguns pequenos donativos em dinheiro
Várias outras comunidades apoiam e suportam o evento Wireless Battle of the Mesh v9 e uma lista actualizada com a sua informação pode aqui na página da Battlemesh.
Se estás interessado em comparecer, subscreve lista de subscrição da Battlemesh para receberes toda a informação sobre o evento.
Logótipo Battlemesh simples
Logótipo Battlemesh v11 - 2018
Logótipo Battlemesh v9 - 2016
Logótipo Battlemesh v8 - 2015
Logótipo Battlemesh v7 - 2014
Logótipo Battlemesh v6 - 2013
- IRC Chat ( #battlemesh)